GREENSL® Rating Consultancy
Green buildings are environmentally responsible establishments where special care is taken to minimise the damage to the surroundings while providing a healthy place to work in. Such highly specialised buildings demand expert guidance and supervision. This is where our consultancy plays a crucial role. With our Consultancy Services, you can construct green buildings that qualify for LEED/SLGBC Certification and meet your objective of going green.
A green or sustainable building increases the efficiency of energy, water and materials uses. It is the result of a design which conserves resources and reduces negative impacts on human health and the environment throughout the life cycle of a building.

We provide planning, design and advisory services pertaining to green technologies and the application and implementation thereof. We tailor solutions to individual home design and retrofitting, residential developments and commercial environments to achieve official GREENSL® Rating System certification.
Specification, design and technology implementation in line with the new building regulations, Sri Lanka Green Building council (GREENSL® Rating System) advices, is offered to Architects and the industry generally